Cross stitch (cross stitch is a kind of ancient national embroidery with a long history in our daily life. Cross stitch is a kind of ancient national embroidery, which has a long history in our daily life. Due to the different cultures, cross stitch has been widely used.
With the development of the times, cross stitch has been widely used As time goes by, cross stitch has developed into different styles in different countries. No handicraft is provided for embroidery thread, yarn dyed fabric, shading cloth and pattern.
China's embroidery origin is very early, the summer, merchants, Wednesday generations and Qin and Han Dynasties h***e been developed, from early unearthed textiles, often visible to embroidery, early embroidery relics show: Zhou Dynasty is simple Rough; the Warring States gradually worked fine, the embroidery of this period is a braid embroidered needle method, also known as the braid embroidery, lock embroidery.
1. 长城 (The Great Wall):长城是中国古代的一项伟大工程,也是中国最著名的旅游景点之一。它位于中国北部,绵延数千公里,曾是中国古代的防御工事,现在已成为了中国的象征之一。
2. 熊猫 (Panda):熊猫是中国的国宝,也是世界上最可爱的动物之一。它们是黑白相间的大熊猫,主要生活在中国的四川、陕西和甘肃等地。
3. 青花瓷 (Blue and White Porcelain):青花瓷是中国传统的瓷器,以其深邃的蓝色和精美的图案而闻名。它最早出现在唐朝时期,现在依然是中国的一项重要工艺品。
4. 故宫 (The Forbidden City):故宫是中国北京市的一个历史建筑群,是明清两代的***宫殿。它是中国传统建筑的代表之一,也是世界上最著名的古建筑之一。